Celebrating Vietnamese Teachers' Day in IFI
- THUrsday - 28/11/2019 09:51
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In Vietnam, the Teacher’s Day falls on November 20th. This holiday allows students to express their respect to their teacher.
Vietnamese Teachers’ Day origin
On January 1946, an organization dedicated solely for educational employments called FISE (Féderation International Syndicale des Enseignants) was established in Paris, France.
In 1949, at Vacsava international conference, the FISE organization officially announced a charter regarding teachers and educational employees that included 15 chapters in total. The charter’s content mainly revolved around the fight between modern education systems against its bourgeois and feudal counterpart; protecting the legitimate substantial and mental rights of everyone involvements in educational field.
Form the 26th to 30th of August 1957, FISE had 57 countries in total participations, including Vietnam. In the end, Vietnam decided to choose November 20th annually as its Teachers’ Day.
Vietnamese’s Teachers’ Day is a very meaningful and noble day in IFI
On November 20th 1982, the first nationwide celebration was grandly held. From that day on, the particular 20th has become one of the most traditional and important day for its country education sector, honoring every single individual that has contributed to the development of said sector and their achievements to grow the new future, their students.

In IFI, international students come from more than 20 countries have shown their respects by giving gifts and visiting their teacher. Alumni students also returned IFI and proudly present their successes in life to show gratitude’s and let their lecturers know that their efforts has not been in vain.