International Francophone Institute

Research Seminaire - 14h00, Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 14h00, at the IFI

Research Seminaire presented by Serge Stinckwick, researcher UMMISCO, IRD/IFI, Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 14h00, at the IFI.Title : Pharo : an open-source SmalltalkRésumé : Smalltalk is a dynamic reflective object-oriented programming...
Research Seminaire presented by Serge Stinckwick, researcher UMMISCO, IRD/IFI, Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 14h00, at the IFI.

Title : Pharo : an open-source Smalltalk

Résumé : Smalltalk is a dynamic reflective object-oriented programming language. Based at the beginning on Lisp and Simula, it was one of the first programming language to use a bitmap user-interface and an integrated development environment (IDE). Smalltalk has been a great influence in the development of many programming languages, including Objective-C, Java and Ruby.Many innovations in software engineering in the nineties also come from the Smalltalk community, such as Design Patterns, test-driven approach, agile software development like Extreme Programming (XP) and code refactoring.
Pharo is a new open-source Smalltalk (under a MIT licence). Pharo's objective is to provide a clean, open-source and innovative Smalltalk implementation with suitable for research and business applications. Several companies and universities are using Pharo for their software development.
More information are available here: and